Ecolint NBA Basketball camp

*NBA Basketball Schools Camps* are specialised training programs designed to cultivate the skills and abilities of young basketball, both boys and girls ages 8-18, enthusiasts through expert *coaching, proven training techniques, and a comprehensive NBA Methodology* developed in collaboration with NBA coaches and players.
Our program is broken down into 4 levels: Rookie, Starter, Allstar and MVP
This allows us to work with beginners up to Advanced players in the appropriate category that benefits their overall development while enjoying the game. Players are categorised by their skill levels not their age which gives them an opportunity to have more of a challenge if they fit the criteria.
Our holistic approach to basketball education goes beyond just training on the court. We aim to build a strong and enduring youth basketball culture by *instilling life lessons that extend far beyond the game itself*. Our belief is that these valuable lessons will empower young athletes to thrive both within the boundaries of the basketball court and in their lives outside of it.
All participants enter a selection phase to be chosen to represent Switzerland 🇨🇭 in the NBA Basketball School Global games.